JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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110 lines
***************** TAGS MENU HELP FOR TAG! *********************
ADD: Choose this option to ADD tags, one at a time, to the on-
screen tag list for the current session. When ADD is
selected, a tag field of 13 characters (the length limit
for Ventura tags) appears. Type in the name of the tag
you wish to add, and hit ENTER. ENTER on an empty field
to stop adding tags.
Tag names should be entered just as they would appear
in the Tag List in Ventura's Side Bar.
You can also add a tag without using the Tag Menu. While
in the main work area, simply hit INSert.
NOTE: Although the existence of Body Text in Ventura
is signalled by the absence of a tag, Body
Text appears in the Tag List in Ventura's Side
Bar, and will appear in TAG! when tags are loaded
from a Ventura Style Sheet. Therefore, when
creating a Tag List by hand, be sure to include
Body Text.
DELETE: When you select DELETE, you enter a tag deletion mode.
While in DELETE mode, you can use the mouse or the
cursor keys to highlight a desired tag, and then hit
the SPACEBAR to mark it for deletion. (Hit the SPACEBAR
again to UNmark a tag. Alternatively, you can use the
INSert key to mark, and the DELete key to unmark, as
stated in the manual.) When all tags to be deleted
are marked, hit ENTER to delete the tags from the tag
list. (Note that the TAG! documentation incorrectly
states that you should use the INS and DEL keys instead
of the SPACEBAR.)
You can mark a block of tags for deletion as follows:
CTRL-K B begins marking a block of tags in the Tag List.
CTRL-K K ends marking a block of tags in the Tag List.
CTRL-K H unmarks a block of tags in the Tag List.
CTRL-J marks and unmarks all tags for deletion (toggle).
You can also delete a highlighted tag without using
the Tag Menu. While in the work area, highlight the
desired tag and then hit DELete. You will be prompted
to confirm the deletion.
MOVE: The MOVE option allows you change the order of tags
in the Tag List, perhaps moving most frequently used
tags to the top of the list, or least used tags to the
bottom. When you select MOVE, you are given the choice
of moving tags to either the top or the bottom of the
list. Once you have chosen top or bottom, TAG! allows
you to use the mouse or the cursor keys to highlight
the desired tags, and then use the SPACEBAR to mark
them for moving. (Hit the SPACEBAR again to UNmark a tag.
Alternatively, you can use the INSert key to mark, and the
DELete key to unmark, as stated in the manual.) When you
have all desired tags marked, strike ENTER to move the
You can mark blocks of tags to move by using the same
CTRL key combinations listed under DELETE, above.
LOAD: You can load multiple tags into TAG! either from a
Ventura style sheet or from an ASCII file which contains
one tag per line, with each line ending in a carriage
return. The ideal tagging method is to use a pre-defined
style sheet to supply the tags. However, if your style
sheet is not yet constructed, any tags loaded from an
ASCII file (or from the ADD option above) which you
apply to a document in TAG! will be loaded into whatever
style sheet is active when you open your document in
Ventura. You can then define the tags you've used.
NOTE: Be sure to include Body Text in your ASCII file of
tag names. See the note under ADD above.
NOTE: You can also load tags into the tag list from
the command line when you start TAG!. To do so,
you must also specify the document file name on
the command line. The form of the command is:
where the tagfile extension should be either .STY
or .TAG. (For an ASCII tag list, .TAG is the default
extension, but others are acceptable.)
SAVE: To save a Tag List in ASCII form for use in future
projects, choose this option and supply a file name
in the space provided. The resulting file will be a
series of lines, with each line consisting of one tag
name (ended with a carriage return).
SORT: Selecting this option causes the Tag List to be sorted
in alphabetical order.
HELP: Displays the HELP you are now reading. This help file may
be edited by calling up the file TGTAGMEN.HLP in any ASCII
editor. Text lines must be 65 characters or less, and each
line must end in a carriage return. Use spacebars, not
tabs, to space horizontally within a line. The maximum
help file size is 15,000 bytes.